More Notepad Assembly Code Listings:

Here's what the patch code looks like as Assembly instructions:
  Original code BEFORE applying the patch:

     :00402D61 FF1530744000       Call dword ptr [00407430]
     :00402D67 83F806             cmp eax, 00000006
     :00402D6A 0F85A9000000       jne 00402E19

  The same area (byte locations) AFTER applying the patch:

     :00402D61 52                 push edx
     :00402D62 5A                 pop edx
     :00402D63 53                 push ebx
     :00402D64 5B                 pop ebx
     :00402D65 56                 push esi
     :00402D66 5E                 pop esi
     :00402D67 83F806             cmp eax, 00000006
     :00402D6A 42                 inc edx
     :00402D6B 4A                 dec edx
     :00402D6C 43                 inc ebx
     :00402D6D 4B                 dec ebx
     :00402D6E 46                 inc esi
     :00402D6F 4E                 dec esi

Windows 95 B      08-24-96 11:11am   34,304 bytes

Relevant code listing for the patches presented in this discussion of NOTEPAD for Win 95 B   ( Note that the only reference to 'wordpad.exe' is not far from the section we are patching ) :

 * Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA
 :00402D61 FF1530744000           Call dword ptr [00407430]
 :00402D67 83F806                 cmp eax, 00000006

 :00402D6A 0F85A9000000           jne 00402E19  <-- The Code Listing
                                                    here includes these
                                                    instructions too!

 :00402D70 6804010000             push 00000104
 :00402D75 8D85B8FEFFFF           lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB8]
 :00402D7B 50                     push eax

 * Reference To: USER32.LoadStringA
 :00402D7C 8B1DB0734000           mov ebx, dword ptr [004073B0]
 :00402D82 837D1001               cmp dword ptr [ebp+10], 00000001
 :00402D86 1BFF                   sbb edi, edi

 * Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00056: "wordpad.exe"
 :00402D88 6A38                   push 00000038
 :00402D8A FF3570514000           push dword ptr [00405170]
 :00402D90 FFD3                   call ebx
 :00402D92 83C737                 add edi, 00000037
 :00402D95 682C010000             push 0000012C
 :00402D9A 8D8D8CFDFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD8C]
 :00402DA0 A170514000             mov eax, dword ptr [00405170]
 :00402DA5 51                     push ecx
 :00402DA6 57                     push edi
 :00402DA7 50                     push eax
 :00402DA8 FFD3                   call ebx

 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->" " "
 :00402DAA 68B0614000             push 004061B0
 :00402DAF 8D858CFDFFFF           lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD8C]
 :00402DB5 50                     push eax

 * Reference To: KERNEL32.lstrcatA
 :00402DB6 8B3D30734000           mov edi, dword ptr [00407330]
 :00402DBC FFD7                   call edi
 :00402DBE FF750C                 push [ebp+0C]
 :00402DC1 8D858CFDFFFF           lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD8C]
 :00402DC7 50                     push eax
 :00402DC8 FFD7                   call edi

 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->" " "
 :00402DCA 68B4614000             push 004061B4
 :00402DCF 8D8D8CFDFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD8C]
 :00402DD5 51                     push ecx
 :00402DD6 FFD7                   call edi

 * Possible Reference to Menu: MenuID_0001 
 * Possible Ref to Menu: MenuID_0001, Item: "Save"
 * Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Cannot open the %%
   file. Make sure a disk is in the drive"
 :00402DD8 6A01                   push 00000001
 :00402DDA 8D8D8CFDFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD8C]
 :00402DE0 6A00                   push 00000000
 :00402DE2 8D95B8FEFFFF           lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB8]
 :00402DE8 51                     push ecx
 :00402DE9 52                     push edx
 :00402DEA 6A00                   push 00000000
 :00402DEC 6A00                   push 00000000

 * Reference To: SHELL32.ShellExecuteA
 :00402DEE FF1570734000           Call dword ptr [00407370]
 :00402DF4 83F820                 cmp eax, 00000020
 :00402DF7 7719                   ja 00402E12

 * Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00048: "You cannot quit
   Windows because the Save As dialog box in..."
 :00402DF9 6A30                   push 00000030
 :00402DFB A160604000             mov eax, dword ptr [00406060]
 :00402E00 50                     push eax
 :00402E01 FF35B4604000           push dword ptr [004060B4]
 :00402E07 56                     push esi

 * Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA
 :00402E08 FF1530744000           Call dword ptr [00407430]
 :00402E0E 33C0                   xor eax, eax
 :00402E10 EB0C                   jmp 00402E1E

 * Referenced by a Conditional Jump at 00402DF7
 :00402E12 B881000000             mov eax, 00000081
 :00402E17 EB05                   jmp 00402E1E

 * Referenced by the Conditional Jump at Address 00402D6A [the one that
   we're concerned about for our patch!]
   :00402E19 B882000000           mov eax, 00000082

 * Referenced by Unconditional Jumps at 00402E10 and 00402E17
 :00402E1E 5F                     pop edi
 :00402E1F 5E                     pop esi
 :00402E20 5B                     pop ebx
 :00402E21 8BE5                   mov esp, ebp
 :00402E23 5D                     pop ebp
 :00402E24 C20C00                 ret 000C

Windows 98       05-11-98 08:01pm   53,248 bytes
Windows 98 SE  04-23-99 10:22pm   53,248 bytes

Relevant code listing for the patches presented in this discussion of NOTEPAD for Win 98 AND Win 98 Second Editon. [Although the files themselves ARE slightly different, there's no difference in the Assembly code for Win 98 and 98 SE.]
( Note that the only reference to 'wordpad.exe' is not far from the section we are patching ) :

 * Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA
 :004033B1 FF15A8644000           Call dword ptr [004064A8]
 :004033B7 83F806                 cmp eax, 00000006

 :004033BA 0F85A7000000           jne 00403467  <-- The Code Listing
                                                    here includes these
                                                    instructions too!
 :004033C0 6804010000             push 00000104
 :004033C5 8D858CFDFFFF           lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD8C]
 :004033CB 837D1001               cmp dword ptr [ebp+10], 00000001
 :004033CF 1BFF                   sbb edi, edi
 :004033D1 50                     push eax
 :004033D2 83C737                 add edi, 00000037

 * Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00056: "wordpad.exe"
 :004033D5 6A38                   push 00000038
 :004033D7 FF3540554000           push dword ptr [00405540]

 * Reference To: USER32.LoadStringA
 :004033DD FF1520644000           Call dword ptr [00406420]
 :004033E3 682C010000             push 0000012C
 :004033E8 8D8DD4FEFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFED4]
 :004033EE 51                     push ecx
 :004033EF A140554000             mov eax, dword ptr [00405540]
 :004033F4 57                     push edi
 :004033F5 BB5C104000             mov ebx, 0040105C
 :004033FA 50                     push eax

 * Reference To: USER32.LoadStringA
 :004033FB FF1520644000           Call dword ptr [00406420]
 :00403401 53                     push ebx
 :00403402 8D85D4FEFFFF           lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFED4]
 :00403408 50                     push eax

  * Reference To: KERNEL32.lstrcatA
 :00403409 8B3DC4634000           mov edi, dword ptr [004063C4]
 :0040340F FFD7                   call edi
 :00403411 FF750C                 push [ebp+0C]
 :00403414 8D85D4FEFFFF           lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFED4]
 :0040341A 50                     push eax
 :0040341B FFD7                   call edi
 :0040341D 53                     push ebx
 :0040341E 8D8DD4FEFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFED4]
 :00403424 51                     push ecx
 :00403425 FFD7                   call edi

 * Possible Reference to Menu: MenuID_0001 
 * Possible Ref to Menu: MenuID_0001, Item: "Save"
 * Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Cannot open the %% 
   file. Make sure a disk is in the drive"
 :00403427 6A01                   push 00000001
 :00403429 8D8DD4FEFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFED4]
 :0040342F 56                     push esi
 :00403430 8D958CFDFFFF           lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD8C]
 :00403436 51                     push ecx
 :00403437 52                     push edx
 :00403438 56                     push esi
 :00403439 56                     push esi

 * Reference To: SHELL32.ShellExecuteA
 :0040343A FF15F0634000           Call dword ptr [004063F0]
 :00403440 83F820                 cmp eax, 00000020
 :00403443 771B                   ja 00403460

 * Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00048: "You cannot quit
   Windows because the Save As dialog box in..."
 :00403445 6A30                   push 00000030
 :00403447 A164504000             mov eax, dword ptr [00405064]
 :0040344C 50                     push eax
 :0040344D FF35B8504000           push dword ptr [004050B8]
 :00403453 FF7508                 push [ebp+08]

 * Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA
 :00403456 FF15A8644000           Call dword ptr [004064A8]
 :0040345C 33C0                   xor eax, eax
 :0040345E EB0C                   jmp 0040346C

 * Referenced by a Conditional Jump at 00403443
 :00403460 B881000000             mov eax, 00000081
 :00403465 EB05                   jmp 0040346C

 * Referenced by the Conditional Jump at Address 004033BA [the one that
   we're concerned about for our patch!]
   :00403467 B882000000           mov eax, 00000082

 * Referenced by Unconditional Jump Addresses at 0040345E and 00403465
 :0040346C 5F                     pop edi
 :0040346D 5E                     pop esi
 :0040346E 5B                     pop ebx
 :0040346F 8BE5                   mov esp, ebp
 :00403471 5D                     pop ebp
 :00403472 C20C00                 ret 000C

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